Monday Modern Art Madness #11: Death-throe Americana in Andy Warhol’s “Electric Chair” series.

The God of American modernism, the apex “modern artist”whom the reputation of an Art-God proceeds him, a title that is in one and the same reality (we live in a society) warranted, and a creative fiction on the part of critics, collectors, gallery curators, and half-mad millionaire trend-hoppers of the art world. Some consider Warhol a visionary, but a patriot at art who embraced the capitalist american mythos. Other consider him an aesthetic terrorist, blowing up beauty and replacing it with the mundane and banal, attacking the psyche with a force of trendy chic-nihilism. Others (I.E. normies), consider him an artistic con-man that never could make it as an artist with “talent”, so he replicated things. Because lord knows we need more photo realist drawings of celebrities, and still-lifes of fruit. Continue reading “Monday Modern Art Madness #11: Death-throe Americana in Andy Warhol’s “Electric Chair” series.”

Monday Modern Art Madness #7: The Eroticism of Nature in Georgia O’Keeffe’s “Grey Lines with Black Blue and Yellow”.

In this installment of MMAM, I am going to review a painting that most would be taken aback by, well at least in my circles. More over, a lot of people would question me in reviewing such a startlingly influential work of “feminist art”, me being the stone cold “misogynist” that I am (I am of course kidding, but hay, any form of espousing traditionalism now a days will get you at least a few accusations of woman-hating).

I have expressed this in other writings, but I have intuited that the whole “blame women” thing on the internet right-wing can go too far, and can smack of ressentment. But here, we are not talking about politics, although with such a work, politics are impossible to avoid; As for me personally, there is a surprising number of female artists and art meant for consumption on the political left that I find fascinating. In fact this whole series is in part an expression of my admiration of “degenerate art”. It seems that a lot of people think modern art is just a leftist thing, and for the majority of it in terms of the politics behind a lot of modern art, it is. However, to cast it aside as worthless, to me at least, this seems like a pig-headed approach; As I stated in the first installment of MMAM, the Right should by and large get over this stigma against what normals term “modern art”.

As for the female artist part, a critical theory professor whom i deeply admire said to me once (a woman herself) “Gio, you have the most complex and complicated relationship to women as a whole that i have ever seem”….I take that as a deep compliment, so perhaps that illuminates my disposition a little bit! moving right along… Continue reading “Monday Modern Art Madness #7: The Eroticism of Nature in Georgia O’Keeffe’s “Grey Lines with Black Blue and Yellow”.”