Along We Go Counter-Marching: A How-To University Survival Guide for the Young Right-Wing Dissident. Part 1: Intro and Rhetoric.

Let me begin by stating that this type of article (or “Listicle” as they are almost pejoratively called) is not my usual fare. I greatly enjoy writing long-winded essays that make my humble audience work for the garbled points I am trying to elucidate. However, I am going to briefly venture into list-writing for the sake of clarity, for this is quite possibly the most important article I have written to date, at least in terms of what it is trying to achieve.

Oh, young man or woman, young conservative, anti-SJW, reactionary, contrarian, new counter-culture aficionado – whatever you choose to label yourself as – we have all come to recognize that one basic point that sours our souls: we are the new marginalized voices. Oh yes, we see it, read it, live it every single day, a new horror story coming out of the universities. We have no pull in the ivory tower, and despite a growing public distaste for the most inane and myopic of radical (yet establishment-backed) politics we often find on campus, those on the Right of all stripes continue to be derided, censored and subjected to a supremely hostile environment in academia. This has produced many very grave consequences. We have all seen the out-there trailblazer academics, those who are willing to put their public images and careers on the line to challenge progressive orthodoxy in academia. Sadly, these voices are few and far between, especially among graduate students and associate professors who have not been sufficiently established or well-funded enough to care less about the backroom insider politics of the Academy. Continue reading “Along We Go Counter-Marching: A How-To University Survival Guide for the Young Right-Wing Dissident. Part 1: Intro and Rhetoric.”